
Everyday tales and stories from the border regions of Europe and beyond, with the aim of explaining why we border-crossers are as obsessed as we are about this subject, why it is important to all of us, and why the co-operation community needs a little bit more visibility than it normally gets.

Thursday, 23 August 2007

Silence is golden...

but it's good to talk. Please feel free to add comments to any of the blog entries here - whether it is to agree, disagree, explain, expand, question, or any other verb that you wish to use. There's no need to register in order to leave a comment, and it would at least convince me that somebody out there somewhere is actually reading this.


Anonymous said...

Hello there! I just discovered your blog through EU's Inforegio Newsroom (http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/newsroom/index_en.htm). I think it's a very interesting and unique effort. Keep up the good work!

PS Another interesting site with regard to an interreg project on landscape management is www.lamcode.eu


Anonymous said...

Yes Border Crosser you have been spotted and are being read with interest - thanks for finally providing a space for informal comment on these issues and collecting some of the wealth of information that is out there. Can't help feeling that some one else should have done this a while back - but that's another issue.

Anyway, word has it that news of your blog is being spread among the INTERREG community and traffic increases can be expected.

You cover a lot of interesting issues but one you mentioned when you started blogging has not been picked up so much so far. You mentioned cross-border cooperation other places in the world at one point. I often feel that cross-border work is a very European idea (in both the good and bad senses) but would love to hear any info about similar initiaitives in the Middle East and Africa for example. I know people like the Kuwait Fund are active on many of the themes addressed by the European INTERREG programmes but does anyone else out there actually try and get countries together (Arab League, African Union?). On this theme, interesting first steps from Hugo Chavez on South American cooperation - though one has to wonder whether doling out the oil millions will build long-term trusting relationships. Perhaps. And perhaps Hugo is also the first to find a way to use coopetration as a tool for political humiliation: Five star welcome to his cheeky inititiative to help the UK by subsidising Londoners' bus travel (he's puttting in enough money to half the price of their tickets).